So I've been slacking off a bit! But hey, it's finally slowed down a bit enough for me to gather up my thoughts and write a little.
The weather has finally smartened up and is beautiful out! Today I had a friend over for coffee and our daughters played in the pool and on the slip and slide. Even I went on the slip and slide and after last years discovery that the ground is not level and feels quite like sliding over a washboard I got a bit smarter and used the Sponge Bob floaty as a cushion for sliding.
With all the weddings this year, Mikhayla has been practicing tying the knot. I'm sure it time will fly and soon enough she will be walking down the isle, but lets not rush things! I'm still in denial that my daughter is already old enough for kindergarten!
Speaking of time flying, Chris went back up north yesterday. Another long two weeks ahead for all three of us for sure! We had a great time while he was, he came home and met me at our friends wedding. Mikhayla was with her Grandma Kelly and Grandpa Rod that weekend. Chris and I camped out at the hall in our trailer and had a bit of a headache the next day.
I have been putting all my pictures together in this neat little program I found on my computer. I have more pictures on my computer than I know what to do with! But it gave me a great idea. I figure I can start a business on the side creating DVDs of people pictures. We'll see where that goes...possibly where all my other ones go. I figure it's an easy start up, you don't have a lot of start up costs and it's something that a lot of people would want. So feel free to spread the word. I'll be sure to post my sample videos on here if it'll let me.
Anyways, I am going to go enjoy the rest of the evening. I have been going through all out old stuff for a garage sale on Saturday with a friend of mine so I haven't accomplished a whole lot. That and Chris will be calling any minute!
Cheers!! xox