Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me!

So I love to help my family celebrate their birthdays. I plan parties, email radio stations, buy gifts and make cakes like any other Mom. But when it comes to my birthday I don't usually get cake unless my Mom does. So I decided that this year I was going to make my own.

I'm not going to lie, it's mostly because I saw it on Pinterest a week before my birthday and thought, why not?!

So here it is, the super delicious and even easier recipe I adapted from Mommy's Kitchen I just had to try:

Ice Cream Sandwich Cake:

You need:
About 10 Ice Cream Sandwiches
Hot Fudge Ice Cream Topping
Whipped Topping (thawed)
1 Cup Crushed Candy (Oreos, Malteasers, Smarties etc.) or A Drizzle of Your Favorite Syrup (I used Rolo Flavoured Quick)

Line a 9x13 Pan with Ice Cream Sandwiches (Cut to fit if you have to, I used 9 1/2)
Cover with fudge topping.
Cover with thawed whipped topping.
Sprinkle or drizzle with candy or syrup.
Cover and freeze for 5-7 hours.
That's it!
Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

Layer the bottom of a 9x13 inch pan with ice cream sandwiches (super hard, right?)

Top with fudge ice cream topping.

Add a layer of cool whip.

Top with your choice of topping, cover and freeze for 5-7 hours!
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