Where to begin! As you can see I have been a neglecting the blog lately. A little for some weddings, which were all so fun. A little for my photography....okay, a LOT for my photography. A little for the beautiful weather we've had. Then there's this cute little four year old who likes to keep me on my toes. So I will do my best to keep you up to date and hopefully this isn't all old news for you!!
At the risk of repeating myself, I'd first like to share that I am going to photography classes at SAIT this winter. I am very excited and I have been practicing taking all sorts of photography shots and reading up on it as well. As I've said before, I am always looking for models! You know you want to!!! I feel like I have finally found something I am so passionate about and I look forward to growing as a photographer and possibly a business.
Mikhayla starts school in less than a month...27 days to be exact! I am not ready, in fact, I am having second thoughts. She doesn't really need to be in school right? Just kidding!! I am sure in the years to follow I will be singing the song "It's the most wonderful tie of the year!" when it's time for her to go back to the school but for the time being it just seems to me like she was a baby not too long ago....sniff sniff...and now she's...sniff sniff....going to school [insert hysterical crying and random babbling that no one can really understand here]. But I digress. She is ready for it and that's the main thing....I guess :)
I tell you though, this year has definitely been a year of change! It all started with Chris starting his own small business and working two weeks on and two off in the Northwest Territories to now pursuing a career with TRAK Enterprises...my step-dad's company. So basically, Chris has gone from being a welder to a trucker. I'm just happy that I get to smell his stinky feet every night when he comes home from work....I mean see him every night! Not only that, but both Mikhayla and I are in school this year, there's been two weddings in the family and far too much to mention in this one post. So far no family pregnancies and to answer the question, yes I know what you're thinking, there's no babies for us, yet! We are trying, so it's only a matter of time. Mikhayla has already put in her request for a little sister and I sure hope that if we ever have a boy that she's not too terribly disappointed!
On that note, I shall bring this riveting blog post to and end. Hopefully I can keep up so that all my posts aren't a month apart and a mile long! Thanks for checking up on us, I only hope that I haven't bored you to tears!
Love You All!! xoxo
P.S. For those of you who haven't checked out my site or haven't checked it out in a while I have attached my website link below. I am constantly adding new pictures, so be sure to bookmark it!!