So December is here and I haven't the slightest where the year has gone. I know it has in fact been a busy busy one. Since September hit it seems like the time has gone by twice as fast as before.
Mikhayla has done very well in school so far. Even with her speech and fine motor skills that are a little further behind than normal, she loves school and works very hard at learning new things. It's amazing what three months of school have done for her. She's made quite a few new friends and has already been to two birthday parties. On the 17th, she'll be preforming in her first Christmas concert. I am so proud of her! Of course, what parent isn't proud of their children. I just feel that she has a lot to overcome and has the strength and courage to do it.
Work keeps me busy and when I am not working, I am at photography class or taking pictures for someone and when I am not doing that I am taking care of my family at home. On that note, I guess it's not hard to see why at the age of 25, I have several gray hairs....yes, SEVERAL gray hairs. And all I want for Christmas is to not grow any older. In fact, I wouldn't mind going back a few years. Wishful thinking, I know. But a girl's got to try!
Chris is doing well, he's working up north at the moment and back tomorrow night. He's been in between jobs as the other job he was at has slowed down quite a bit!
Kind of scary, but shall make due. Thank goodness for those shut-downs!
Well, that's about it for the moment. Although I've left out a few months worth of news, seeing as my last post was in August, I must being getting to bed. Somewhere along the lines I stopped staying up so late. Still, I am not a morning person. Never really have been and I don't think I'll ever be one. Though who knows, now that I have gray hair, things could change drastically around here.