Saturday, July 16, 2011


I am back! With the birth of my third addition, Noah Ryder, to this wonderful family of mine already over 7 weeks behind me, I am starting to think I should keep better track of my life. Time goes by too fast (cliche I know, but it's so true!)
Things have been crazy...and when I say crazy I mean YIKES! Having a third child has seemed to challenge me more than I had expected. It's taking time and with lots of help from supportive family and friends, my sanity has remained intact. So a big thank you to all those who have went out of their way to make our life a little easier. Don't get me wrong, I love the craziness and chaos that is our life. I love to squeals of joy and laughter that comes from my children. The smiles, the hugs, the kisses. My kids are amazing and I am blessed to have them. Mikhayla and Tanner are two of the proudest big brother and sisters I know! They love their little brother and have plenty love to share with him. Now if only I could bottle up their energy and use it, I'd have it made!
On that note, I should probably sneak off to bed while the going is good! Cheers! xo

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