Wednesday, March 7, 2012

St Pattys Day Fun!

So St.Patrick's Day is still about a week and a half away and not always one of the most celebrated holidays of the year but I think it's fun to celebrate the little holidays too! Sometimes, when you're a stay at home Mama, little things like holidays are great ways to have fun and liven up the days at home! So in honour of St.Patrick's Day and because I will be away on holidays next weekend I have done up a few little treats and found a few fun links to help you celebrate all that is green and Irish!

"I'm Lucky To Have You" Snack Bag

I found this on Pinterest on a link from eighteen25 which is a great site! St.Patrick's Day is on a Saturday this year but it still is cute to  put in your little one's lunch any day of the year, especially if they like to snack
on Lucky Charms! My daughter's school took their microwaves out of the classroom last year so for a little something different than a sandwich or a wrap sometimes I pack her cereal and a little milk for breakfast at lunch! (Of course you may want to add a container to eat it in as eating cereal in a milk out of a sandwich bag may prove to be disastrous lol)

"You're My Pot O' Gold At The End Of The Rainbow" Bag

Again, something I came across on Pinterest (imagine that!) from it is what it is. Such a simple little treat but it's pretty darn cool!


My Mom used to make these Lemon Cookies (good lemon cookies....probably about the only lemon flavoured thing I like!) for Valentine's Day. One year (grade three to be exact) she brought in heart shaped lemon cookies with pink icing on them to share with all my class mates. I thought it was great! So when my daughter started school, I made it a point to make it a tradition. After a couple years I decided to branch out and make them for Christmas, then for Halloween and Easter...this year, yep, you guessed it...for St.Patrick's Day. Just add green icing and rainbow sprinkles or make round cookies with yellow icing for gold coins...use your favorite recipe, use your imagination, go wild, go crazy!!!!


Just another way to make something simple into something memorable, make muffins, turn them green, top with can be green too. Stick a chocolate cover coin in it, rainbow sprinkles, rainbow coloured or multi-coloured anything! Be creative, ask your kids for their suggestions. Create a family tradition together - seriously- do it! :)

My boy enjoying our own creation!

As they say, stressed is desserts spelled are a few I found...

Not really at all for St.Patty's Day, but it's green and it's awesome so it's on my list! :)

Printables, Party Decor and Other Fun Stuff

So there you have it, a few ways to have fun with you little ones (or big ones hehe) this St.Patrick's Day. Please share your ideas, I'd love to hear them!
Pin It!

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