Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy Monday!!

Well, today I have quit smoking for 5weeks! The urge to smoke has, for the most part, gone away. It was hard when Chris was home last time. He was not as successful, but he tells me he wants to try to quit again. So cross your fingers for that one!! I know I will!
He comes home on Wednesday night, but only for the night. Then he's back up for three more days. I still haven't really got used to him leaving, but it helps having Mikhayla to snuggle with now and then.
This weekend friends of ours are getting married. One of the seven weddings we've been invited to this year. As much as I'd love to make it to all of them, unfortunately we can't. Needless to say, this summer will go by fast.
The weekend after we will be camping east of Red Deer at Haunted Lake for about 4 days. I will definitely have to post some pictures and let you know how it is because the camping is only $7 a night for an unserviced site and $15 for a serviced site, free firewood, fishing, swimming and there is a 9 hole golf course at the campground as well. Should be lots of fun. This will be the second time we've went camping and hopefully not the last!
Unfortunately, this past week has been quite a sad one. Chris' Opa ended up in the hospital having a minor heart attack. He is doing better, but still in the hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and we hope he has a speedy recovery!
So, looking forward to some (hopefully) sunny weather. Though now that I say that I've probably jinxed it. There's still quite a bit of the week yet so we shall see.
By the way, Mom, comments can be made at the bottom of this post. You should be able to click on comments and write away!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!!
Ally xoxo
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